
The Program

Explore this year’s program with sessions sharing practical and spiritual tools for becoming a better steward.

our schedule

Day 1, Thursday
Oct 19

4:00–6:00 pm

Tomlinson Room


Clements Room

5:45 pm
6:45 pm

General Session

Clements Room | Speaker: Bishop Tim McCaleb

In this session–Stewardship in Evil Times—Christians often think of stewardship to faithfully manage God’s blessings when the windows of heaven are open. But what about times of war, famine, drought, or national collapse? This presentation will look at stewardship during economic scarcity and evil times.

7:45 pm
8:00 pm

General Session

Clements Room | Speaker–Paul and Barbara Holt

In this session–The Goldfish Principle-Paul and Barbara Holt were goldfish people. No matter how much money they brought home, they always found ways to spend it. They slowly learned how to manage money God’s way, and it changed their lives.

9:00 pm
Closing Instructions

Clements Room

Day 2, Friday,
Oct. 20


Clements Room

8:00 am
9:00 am

General Session

Clements Room | Speaker–Bishop Jeffrey White

In this session–Stewardship or Ownership–Biblical stewardship calls us to manage what belongs to God. We all want to hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” This session gives practical ways to excel as a steward without assuming the role of owner.

9:50 am
10:15 am
Workshop I

Clements Room–Jan Couch

In this Workshop–Finishing Well, Saving and Investing for Retirement—Scripture supports saving, beginning with Joseph, saving in the fat years for the lean years. Just because some have abused the message of the blessings of prosperity for their own personal greed, is not a reason to stop teaching the blessings of sound biblical stewardship which results in “plenty” and a plan for the leftovers.

10:15 am
Workshop II

Murray Room–Michael Luithle

In this Workshop–Online Giving Options for Churches—Opening the digital door of offerings! In a constantly changing landscape of online services, moving to online giving can be a daunting task. This workshop will not only talk about costs and considerations but will also give insight into the ever-changing range of services to help you make the best decision for your church.

11:00 am
11:10 am

General Session

Clements Room | Speaker–Bishop Daniel Felipe

In this session, Building Trustworthy Ministries, Bishop Daniel Felipe will explore a fundamental ingredient for healthy biblical stewardship: TRUST. Contrary to popular belief, trust is not simply a feeling towards individuals or institutions. Trust, or the lack thereof, is a rational conclusion resulting from observed behaviors. This session will delve into the practical elements of trustworthiness and how we can harness them to build ministries that people trust.


Clements Room

12:00 pm
1:00 pm

General Session

Clements Room | Speaker–Jan Couch

In this session–In God We Trust—God gave us the principle of tithing and giving to teach us to trust Him. He gives us a clear path to the true riches, priceless blessings that money can’t buy. People who trust in God’s faithfulness are a beacon, a magnet, to a materialistic, discontent, fearful, struggling world.

2:00 pm
Workshops III

Murray Room–Bishop Jeffrey and Sherri White

In this Workshop–Preparing an Effective Church Budget-Developing a church budget does not have to be a painful process. This session will give the essential components of developing an effective budget to increase stewardship of the church’s resources.

2:00 pm
Workshops IV

Clements Room–Michael Luithie

In this Workshop–Church Management Systems—Managing your church information is a vital task in today’s culture. Reports, spreadsheets, and address lists are just the tip of the iceberg when managing a church. This workshop will dive into what is available and how much it might cost. Every church has different needs so understanding the vocabulary of church management software will help you make an informed decision.

2:50 am
3:00 pm

General Session

Clements Room | Speaker–Bishop Jeffery Davis

In this session–Stewardship In a Healthy Church–We will take a 360 look at Biblical Stewardship. Describe some of the best practices for pastors and leaders to follow and provide an overview of what is takes to keep the local church and the congregation free of legal liabilities, so the church can continue their effort of reconciling the world to Christ through the Power of the Holy Spirit.

Closing Comments

Clements Room

3:50 pm

Day 2, Friday Evening
Oct. 20

6:30 pm

General Session

Keith Street Ministries | Speaker–Paul Holt

In this session–Transformed Hearts=Transformed Lives

Celebration Service at the Keith Street Ministries COGOP—Speaker Bishop Paul Holt.
Registered attendees and guests are welcome.
The Celebration Service is open to everyone!

*Other keynote and workshop speakers will be announced soon.

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Days Hours Minutes

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